Attorney Services

Edward R. Kirby & Associates are experts at providing the assistance attorneys need to win at trial. Kirby investigators have been developing solid information and uncovering vital evidence for the legal profession since 1969. By providing key facts through a variety of investigative techniques, Kirby clients are in a position to prevail at trial and have the upper hand in negotiations.

Complex Litigation Support

When an attorney is knee-deep in depositions, interrogatories and motions, the last thing needed are problems ascertaining information. Edward R. Kirby & Associates is dedicated to providing solutions by getting the facts needed to win at trial. Whether locating missing witnesses, interviewing recalcitrant observers, conducting background investigations or a factual analysis, our firm is here to help. Our experience has helped both plaintiff and defense firms win at trial in some of the most notable civil cases in Cook County, the collar counties and the Northern District of Illinois. These matters include business-to-business disputes, contract issues, product liability, restraint of trade, infringement and other causes.

Criminal Defense Investigation

Over the past decade, Kirby & Associates has become the go-to firm for factual information in criminal defense matters. The firm’s experience in building cases for prosecution give it a unique perspective in providing solutions to problems in criminal defense. The firm has worked with some of the most prominent criminal defense attorneys in Illinois and on numerous high profile cases. Those cases have included capital murder, sexual assault, child abuse, aggravated battery, drugs, aggravated DUI, fraud and a multitude of felony cases. We have a reputation with both prosecutors and the defense bar for providing honest, unbiased facts to exonerate the innocent and help mitigate the guilty.

Personal Injury – Plaintiff

A problem in many personal injury cases is access to fast facts. Kirby & Associates offers solutions to those problems. The firm is ready and able to work on these cases in the early stages while witnesses’ recollections are fresh, potential defendants are not yet represented and susceptible to providing a statement, evidence is still on the scene and photographic documentation is available. 

Personal Injury – Defense

Developing facts that disprove liability, mitigate the plaintiff’s allegations, or prove a fraudulent claim are paramount in defending a civil suit. Kirby & Associates has years of experience in uncovering facts that solve problems inherent in these cases, including fraudulent casualty claims, exaggerated disability, questionable insurable interest, or deaths of an unusual nature. Utilizing investigative techniques such as video surveillance, interviews, neighborhood inquiries, background and research and case analysis, Kirby & Associates are there to gather the evidence that allows for a reasonable settlement or victory at trial.

Locating Witnesses

When an attorney has a problem locating or contacting a crucial witness, Edward R. Kirby & Associates has the solution. Using sophisticated databases, but more importantly, understanding the psychology of the missing person, Kirby investigators have an impressive record of tracking down even the most reluctant witness.

Service of Difficult Process

Nothing can derail a case more quickly than not being able to get a witness or defendant served. While many services are routine, those that are most important are often most difficult. When you face the problem of the respondent ducking service, Kirby & Associates can solve that problem with innovative techniques to get the most difficult person served.

Expert Witness Testimony

Edward R. Kirby & Associates has assisted attorneys by providing expert witness testimony in matters such as inadequate security, investigative malpractice and workplace violence liability. Having testified at deposition and trial for both the plaintiff and defendant, Kirby & Associates has a reputation for honest, forthright and intelligent analysis of these cases. The firm’s expertise in investigating these matters for over 50 years provides a unique perspective. This expertise provides an objective evaluation of either the prosecution or defense of investigative, security or polygraph matters.